team leads, and managers.


Where are the pain points or bottle necks within your organization?

Transparency Boosts Decision Making

Transparency improves collaboration, and empowers anyone within the company to see when a project is going off track and help to fix it.

People need three things to participate in decision-making:

  1. Information which documentation provides
  2. Access which comes in meetings, communication channels
  3. Permission which must become part of the InnerSource culture

How to Succeed in Complex Environments

Start with strategy

Below are four steps to encourage a unified vision within your organization:

  1. Work towards a common goal
  2. Motivate and incentivize
  3. Collaborate and create
  4. Execute and measure

Four step activity questions:

  1. What are some common goals that the organization can work towards?
    • What are some early success criteria that would promote sharing the progress towards those goals?
  2. What behaviors do you currently incentivize and motivate employees to do?
    • How could existing methods be utilized for this initiative?
  3. What internal projects come to mind when you think of collaboration (Does not need to be developer focused)?
    • What do you think causes that(those) project(s) to be successful?
    • What can you use in those projects for this initiative?
  4. What would you want to measure to identify the success of the initiative?