First, let’s define InnerSource

Chances are you have heard or read something about InnerSource by now, but just knowing about InnerSource and knowing what InnerSource is can be harder to identify. In fact, our experience has shown that when asking people to explain what InnerSource is, we get many different answers, and some of these different mentalities come from leaders within the same organization.

Problem: Everyone seems to have a slightly different idea of what InnerSource is. Having a clear definition within the same organization is vital to adopting an InnerSource culture within your organization.

Think of this as a maze. Without a clear understanding and correct direction, it’s easy for team members to get lost in their own direction of where to go.

Group Discussion: What is your definition of InnerSource?

Purpose: To see the similarities and differences in definitions



What similarities are there? What differences do we have? Was it difficult defining InnerSource within your team because of different views? Is there a right answer?

Advantages of adopting an InnerSource strategy

  1. Code reuse across the organization grows immensely.
  2. Cross-team collaboration becomes relatively frictionless.
  3. Development becomes faster.
  4. Quality documentation is discoverable.

Group Discussion: What are your reasons?

Purpose: To list and better understand cross-team reasons for adopting InnerSource



What benefits of InnerSource would be most impactful for our organization? What benefits would be most immediate? What benefits are most needed? How would each of your team members answer these questions?